
/** @module */
import postcssPlugin from '../../helpers/postcss_plugin'

export const pseudoClass = ':marpit-root'

const matcher = new RegExp(`\\b(?:section)?${pseudoClass}\\b`, 'g')

 * Marpit PostCSS root increasing specificity plugin.
 * Replace specific pseudo-class selector to `:where(section):not([\20 root])`,
 * to increase specificity. `:marpit-root` is always added to `section` selector
 * by root replace plugin so `:where(section):not([\20 root])` must always match
 * too (HTML does not allow U+0020 SPACE in the attribute name.).
 * @function rootIncreasingSpecificity
export const rootIncreasingSpecificity = postcssPlugin(
  () => (css) =>
    css.walkRules((rule) => {
      rule.selectors = =>
        selector.replace(matcher, ':where(section):not([\\20 root])'),

export default rootIncreasingSpecificity