
/** @module */
import InlineStyle from '../../helpers/inline_style'
import marpitPlugin from '../../plugin'

 * Marpit image apply plugin.
 * Apply image style and color spot directive based on parsed meta.
 * @function applyImage
 * @param {MarkdownIt} md markdown-it instance.
function _applyImage(md) {
  // Build and apply image style
  md.inline.ruler2.push('marpit_apply_image', ({ tokens }) => {
    for (const token of tokens) {
      if (token.type === 'image') {
        const { filters, height, width } = token.meta.marpitImage
        const style = new InlineStyle(token.attrGet('style'))

        if (width && !width.endsWith('%')) style.set('width', width)
        if (height && !height.endsWith('%')) style.set('height', height)

        if (filters) {
          const filterStyle = []

          for (const fltrs of filters)

          token.meta.marpitImage.filter = filterStyle.join(' ')
          style.set('filter', token.meta.marpitImage.filter)

        const stringified = style.toString()
        if (stringified) token.attrSet('style', stringified)

export const applyImage = marpitPlugin(_applyImage)
export default applyImage