
 * The definition of Marpit directives
 * @module

 * @typedef {Function} Directive
 * @param {string} value Parsed value.
 * @param {Marpit} marpit Marpit instance.
 * @returns {Object} Assigning object to token meta.

 * Global directives.
 * Each global directive assigns to the whole slide deck. If you wrote a same
 * directive many times, Marpit only recognizes the last value.
 * @prop {Directive} headingDivider Specify heading divider option.
 * @prop {Directive} style Specify the CSS style to apply additionally.
 * @prop {Directive} theme Specify theme of the slide deck.
 * @prop {Directive} lang Specify the language of the slide deck. It will
 *     assign as `lang` attribute for each slide.
export const globals = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
  headingDivider: (value) => {
    const headings = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    const toInt = (v) =>
      Array.isArray(v) || Number.isNaN(v) ? v : Number.parseInt(v, 10)
    const converted = toInt(value)

    if (Array.isArray(converted)) {
      const convertedArr =
      return {
        headingDivider: headings.filter((v) => convertedArr.includes(v)),

    if (value === 'false') return { headingDivider: false }
    if (headings.includes(converted)) return { headingDivider: converted }

    return {}
  style: (v) => ({ style: v }),
  theme: (v, marpit) => (marpit.themeSet.has(v) ? { theme: v } : {}),
  lang: (v) => ({ lang: v }),

 * Local directives.
 * Mainly these are used to change settings each slide page. By default, a
 * local directive applies to the defined page and followed pages.
 * If you want to set a local directive to single page only, you can add the
 * prefix `_` (underbar) to directive name. (Spot directives)
 * @prop {Directive} backgroundColor Specify background-color style.
 * @prop {Directive} backgroundImage Specify background-image style.
 * @prop {Directive} backgroundPosition Specify background-position style. The
 *     default value while setting backgroundImage is `center`.
 * @prop {Directive} backgroundRepeat Specify background-repeat style. The
 *     default value while setting backgroundImage is `no-repeat`.
 * @prop {Directive} backgroundSize Specify background-size style. The default
 *     value while setting backgroundImage is `cover`.
 * @prop {Directive} class Specify HTML class of section element(s).
 * @prop {Directive} color Specify color style (base text color).
 * @prop {Directive} footer Specify the content of slide footer. It will insert
 *     a `<footer>` element to the last of each slide contents.
 * @prop {Directive} header Specify the content of slide header. It will insert
 *     a `<header>` element to the first of each slide contents.
 * @prop {Directive} paginate Show page number on the slide if you set `true`.
 *     `hold` and `skip` are also available to disable increment of the page
 *     number.
export const locals = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
  backgroundColor: (v) => ({ backgroundColor: v }),
  backgroundImage: (v) => ({ backgroundImage: v }),
  backgroundPosition: (v) => ({ backgroundPosition: v }),
  backgroundRepeat: (v) => ({ backgroundRepeat: v }),
  backgroundSize: (v) => ({ backgroundSize: v }),
  class: (v) => ({ class: Array.isArray(v) ? v.join(' ') : v }),
  color: (v) => ({ color: v }),
  footer: (v) => (typeof v === 'string' ? { footer: v } : {}),
  header: (v) => (typeof v === 'string' ? { header: v } : {}),
  paginate: (v) => {
    const normalized = (v || '').toLowerCase()

    if (['hold', 'skip'].includes(normalized)) return { paginate: normalized }

    return { paginate: normalized === 'true' }

export default [...Object.keys(globals), ...Object.keys(locals)]